
2021年4月12 星期一 00:28:34
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First International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea Asia 2018

点击数: 更新日期:2018-04-12
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, we kindly invite you to attend the First International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea Asia 2018 (CoCoTea  Asia 2018) in Hefei, China.


Following the success of the previous edition of the Congress in Europe: Novara (Italy) in 2011, Naples (Italy) in 2013, Aveiro (Portugal) in 2015 and Turin (Italy) in 2017, we are starting the series of CoCoTea meetings in Asia firstly, particularly focusing on the science of tea, coffee, cocoa, and related products.


The First International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea Asia 2018 will offer an inter-disciplinary opportunity for scientists to discuss different areas of Tea, Coffee and Cocoa, and to report innovative scientific achievements. These topics include biology, chemistry, technology, metabolomics, nutrition and health, Quality & Safety Control.


Food chemists, food technologists, nutritionists, medical doctors and /technicians from industry, are warmly invited to participate. We welcome inspiring new ideas and strongly promote the participation of students and young scientists and will be offering a travel award to graduates and postdoctoral scholar, and a grant to the best poster and oral presentations.


We are pleased to continue the great success of the previous meeting and look forward to seeing you in Hefei in October 2018.



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