
2021年4月12 星期一 00:28:34
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11 月20 日(周一)学术报告

点击数: 更新日期:2017-11-16

报告题目Integrating Bioinformatics and Molecular Tools for the Characterization of   Polyamine Transport in Plants and Oomycetes

Paul F. Morris 教授

11 20 日上午9:30-10:30




Paul F. Morris,美国博林格林州立大学教授。Morris教授加拿大麦克马斯特大学生物学学士(1974);加拿大圭尔夫大学生物学硕士(1976);加拿大皇后大学生物学博士(1987);美国加州大学戴维斯分校植物病理学博士后(1994)。1994年至今为美国博林格林州立大学生物系助理教授、副教授、教授Dr. Morris教授多年来致力于植物中多胺(polyamines)对植物生长及抗性影响研究、以及植物病原菌卵菌(oomycetes)的基因组学研究。其在ScienceNaturePLOS ONEPlant SciencePlanta等期刊上发表多篇文章。


Polyamines are essential components of primary metabolism in all organisms, but little is known about how these molecules mediate changes in gene expression. We hypothesized that polyamine transport would be a critical component of the regulation of polyamine homeostasis, since transport is a key component of the regulation of other signaling molecules. To test this hypothesis, we first created deletion and overexpression lines of two members of the PUT family of polyamine transporters in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.  We showed that overexpression mutants resulted in developmental changes that resulted in a delay in flowering time, larger plants with thicker stems, twice as many seeds, and a delay in senescence.  Deletion mutants showed the opposite phenotypes. We have since used bioinformatics approaches to identify other candidate transporters, and developed a wide range of molecular approaches to functional characterize novel polyamine transporters in plants and oomycetes. In plants, we have thus far identified four families of genes involved in polyamine transport, and have additional candidate genes on our list for future experiments.  In oomycetes we have characterized a large family of very conserved polyamine transporters, that are restricted to oomycetes.
